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10 Ways to Connect Spiritually while Traveling

10 Ways to Connect Spiritually while Traveling

The act of traveling domestically and internationally can provide the opportunity to feed the soul.  Yes, many of us travel to shop, eat and relax on the beach. But there is a huge part of travel that many people miss out on, spirituality.  No I don't mean a specific religion or indoctrination. I mean connect with the soul, spirit and life force of the land and people in the places in which you visit.  If you are an open-minded traveller, this list is for you.

1. Slow Down

     Depending on the amount of time you may have at your final destination, you may be tempted to fill every second of the day with activities and tasks. It would be highly beneficial to take sometime out, be it a day or the entire length of your journey not planning anything specific and just explore the culture and space around you. There is no better way to connect with your soul than take the time to acknowledge that there is one.

2. Unplug

     When traveling, and life in general, we have a tendency to experience life's adventures through a screen or device of some kind.  Yes we want to keep in touch with loved one's, show our friends and followers what were are experiencing, or (god forbid) staying up to date on work emails.  But these activities pull us from seeing the beauty right in front of us.  Yes take a few photos, but quickly put the phone or cameras down and breathe in the air while taking in the visual beauty with your own two eyes. 

3. Journal

   Bring your current journal or start a brand new one just for this adventure.  Write the night before or during the plane ride about your hopes and dreams for your latest journey. Take a few moments each day or evening to recall what you experienced or how you felt about the days events. Reflect on what it means to your life and what you want to bring back home and keep with you.  Looking back on writings from the beginning of your trip can be an eye-opening experience.  

4. Prayer / Meditation

     Wether it's prayer or mediation that helps you connect with yourself and/or your god.  Take this time to do it during your journey.  Taking your prayers or mediation to the outside world like a forest or beach is great way to open the heart and soul.  Prayer and mediation are great ways to get the mind and body to slow down.

5. Learn something new

     No matter where you travel you will have to opportunity to learn how to create or do  something that is unique to that area. Take a cooking class in a delicacy specific to the region , learn an artisan skill that is routed in the culture of the town, or learn a dance that was originated that country.  Sure you can learn these same skills at home or any where else, but the experience of  learning the history or skill from its authentic origins is life changing. 

6. Leave an Offering

     Leave something small or significant to you at your next adventure locale.  Maybe a rock from your yard, a piece of jewelry or clothing, a seashell, a note or letter.  Something to leave a piece of you behind in your journey.  You can give this item to a local person you met an made a connection with, or leave the seashell or rock on the beach or in the woods.  There various way to leave little bit of you behind to connect yourself and your journey; while also showing gratitude to your host locale for the experience.

7. Participate in Community Service or Volunteer

  Community service and volunteerism or excellent ways to connect with your humanity, with your spirit and the culture.  There is no shortage of activities and organizations that you can participate in your home country and abroad that can connect you with ways to make a difference in a location you are visiting.  It is also another great example of showing gratitude to the community for hosting your visit.

8. Visit Nature

   What better way to get closer to God or your soul than being surrounded by nature. Nature is the reminder of life and growth.  No matter where you visit, there will be an opportunity to experience the wildlife and natural wonders that call that locale home.   Some places may not allow free wandering of natural habitats, so be sure to research regulations and tour options.

9.  Visit a place of worship or sacred site

     Places of worship and sacred sites offer a unique opportunity to connect with the soul but also the past.  Visiting ancient churches or burial sites, let us reach into the past and find our present.  Since the beginning of humanity we have all been in search of a spiritual connection for the living and the dead.  Visiting these sacred sites can be a reminder that we are all connected in our quest to belong to something greater than ourselves.  Creating not only a deeper connection to your spirit but to those of others around the world.

10. Connect with the People

    Why visit anywhere if you are not going to get to know the people who live there. Now for some introverts this may be a little difficult, but there are ways to make healthy connections with locals without stepping to far out of you comfort zone.  Don't be afraid to eat at local restaurants and  strike up a conversation with the waiter, or talk to the coffee stand operator.  Ask them about their home town, about where to get an authentic meal, and get to know them.  Be careful but don't be the tourist that doesn't care to get to know the be people who make that town worth visiting. Meeting new people can be world, heart and mind expanding.

This list is just a small list of suggestions to get you started.  Feel free to share below what you do while traveling to help connect spiritually.  And if you have specific locations or tours or activites that helped you connect spirituality, feel free to leave link.

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