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25 Daily Affirmations That Will Help Change Your Life!

25 Daily Affirmations That Will Help Change Your Life!

What are Daily Affirmations and How Can They Can Change Your Life?

   Daily Affirmations are short sentences and phrases that when used regularly and consistently have the ability to change a person's inner mental dialogue.  Every day without even realizing it, we tell ourselves things that actually affect the way in which we think about ourselves, how we perceive the world, and how we react in situations with the rest of the world. For instance, if you find yourself repeating in your head "I'm such a loser" when things don't quite go the way you intended, you will come to believe that and behave in that mindset when interacting with others. This thought process can actually become a self-fulfilling prophecy.  Creating a world in which you are perceived as a loser, not just to yourself. This behavior can be so ingrained in our psyche that we don't even realize we are doing it. We can be the masters of our own universe,  if we learn to harness this mental power and create the change we want to see in our lives by changing the way we see ourselves in our mind.

How Do I Use Daily Affirmations?

     Affirmations are most effective in changing your thought process when used daily and multiple times a day. Using a mirror and repeating it allowed may sound silly  but it is highly effective.  I suggest repeating your affirmation in the morning in front of the mirror just after waking up and again at night in front of the mirror before going to bed.  You can add this to your daily routine of getting dressed or washing  your face so it becomes second nature.  Putting your affirmations on Post-its on the mirror could help you set the intention.  If you have an opportunity to repeat your affirmation privately while in the bathroom mid-day at work or in your office, take advantage.  If not, don't be afraid to take a few quiet minutes to yourself and repeat it internally.

Repetition is key to rewiring the brain and changing the thought pattern. Try some of these affirmations to help get you started.

Improve Self-Esteem & Self-Confidence

1.  I love myself, first and foremost.

2. I believe in myself and the hopes and dreams I can achieve.

3. My self-worth is not based on someone else's opinions of me.

4. I deserve to be treated with respect and dignity.

5. My truth is mine and I live and stand in it.

Improve Mood & Thinking Positive

6.  I will look for light in everything today.

7. I will only bring love and compassion into my life.

8. My day will start and end with love, light and happiness.

9. I will be the compassion and care I wish to see in the world.

10. I will see and do good things today.

Letting Go of the Past

11. I will only look forward and make the best of the situations I am presented.

12. I will no longer linger on things I can not change.

13. I make the best decisions I can with the knowledge and abilities I have at the time.

14. I can not change what happened yesterday, I can only learn from it and make the best of today.

15. Today I am the best version of myself.

For Success

16. I am proud of the work that I have done, and am excited for what I will do in the future.

17. I will continue to do the best I can with the knowledge and experience I have.

18. There is no limit to what I can accomplish and achieve in this life.

19. Today I will do my best in all things.

20. I have the power to make my dreams come to true.

Improve Appreciation

21. I am grateful for the love of my friends and family.

22. I appreciate what I have in my life.

23. I am happy that I am able to share my life with someone.

24. I appreciate the beautiful life I have experienced.

25. I am grateful that I woke up this morning to experience whatever this life has to offer.

How to Create Your Own?

These 25 affirmations will change your life and are great strting point for creating your affirmations that are more specific to your own circumstances. When it comes to creating your own affirmations ,  try these helpful tips

  • Start with a solid "I" statement like "I am", "I will" or "I can". And using words like "will" and "am" make it true.

  • Try to keep your affirmation to one sentence so it becomes easy to memorize and repeat internally when you need a boost or reminder of your intention for the day.

  • Try to make the affirmation as specific and personal as possible.

  • Keep affirmations in the present tenses.

What daily affirmations are going to use to help you live a more intentional life? Share your affirmations in the comment section.



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