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10 Ways to Live More...And Worry Less

10 Ways to Live More...And Worry Less

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Over the course of my life I have been a worrier.  It would get so bad that I could not function. It was bad. Today, I can't say that I'm completely worry free (I'm still a work in progress) but I have been using techniques and methods that have improved my quality of life. Here are my 10 tips to live more and worry less.

1. Meditation -  Meditation is a great way to begin to bring the stress and anxiety that comes with daily life.  Have you heard of the term "fight or flight response"? I recently learned that modern day humans encounter this response frequently, in areas we would not expect. The "fight or flight response" can be triggered by the alarm that wakes us in the morning or nearly getting in car accident during your commute. Real threats and perceived threats all receive the same stressful physical and mental response.  I found mediation to help me with this. New to mediation?  There are tons of apps that provided guided mediation session, some as short as 10 minutes.

2. Stop saying "should" - A lot of times that worrisome feeling comes from being concerned that you did not do something you "should" have. As if there is a giant rulebook and you failed.  Thinking you "should" do more or be more, is not helpful or realistic. Using this thinking you tell your self you aren't enough the way you are and builds the worry, regret and anxiety.

3. Find your sanctuary - Create a space or find a space where you can just be.  I am making my sanctuary out of a spare bedroom we have been using as a closet. If you don't have a spare room, find a corner of your home or space outside. A place your own you go to rest, relax and think. 

4. Make time for the ones you love - Our life is enriched by the strong bonds we make with the people around us - family and friends.  Making time for them is important in enjoying life.

5. Talk to someone - Sometimes we need another person to talk to get the fears, worry, and concern out. Telling someone could also help you recognize when the worry or dread is irrational.  This someone can be a friend or family member you trust.  If you don't feel comfortable with that option speaking to professional therapist or counselor is an option as well.  They will give you real word solutions 

6. Don't live based on other's expectations of you - People will always expect more of you, even if you accomplish what they require. When we live our life the way other people want us to, we are not being our true selves - which leads to overall unhappiness.

7. Approve of yourself. - I'm not going to lie, this is something I struggle with.  That nagging voice in your head that disapproves of you and your actions.  It can be difficult to not look for approval in others, we learn it from birth. We have to change our thinking to that we are not doing enough or that we are not good enough.  Approving of yourself can lead to a more relaxed and happier existence. Mark Twain once said, "A man cannot be comfortable without his own approval." 

8. Stop and smell the roses - I know it sounds like a corny cliche, but it is a true statement. I don't know about you, but I have noticed I get into autopilot mode.  Run errands, do chores, go to meetings - all the while I didn't even recognize what a beautiful day it was outside. Take the time to be mindful of the world around you. The sounds, smells, textures, and colors of the world make daily life so less mundane.

9. Find and do what you love - Find a job, hobby or activity that brings you joy.  The one thing that when you do it you enjoy every minute and when think about it you are excited to do it. Find

10. Remember today is a new day - Don't hold on to what happened yesterday.  Each new day is a fresh start for a great experience and full of potential. 

I hope you found these 10 ways to live more and worry less helpful. This can just be the starting point to a life live with intention, involvement and happiness.

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