Live more.

Travel more.

Love more.


Building a LifeStyle Business.

Building a LifeStyle Business.

What's a Lifestyle Business?  According to Wikipedia " A lifestyle business is a business set up and run by its founders primarily with the aim sustaining a particular level of income and no more; or to provide a foundation from which to enjoy a particular lifestyle."   Basically these are businesses that help maintain a particular lifestyle for the entrepreneur, it's main motivation is to sustain itself so that the owner can enjoy this lifestyle.

So is a Lifestyle Business right for me? The more and more I go to work day in and day out,  I realize that it is. I'm sure there a plenty of people out there who gain fulfillment from there careers.  People who have callings as doctors, lawyers and other professions may truly enjoy what they do and would be happier than ever just doing that job until they reach the age of retirement.  Many of our parents grew up with the mentality that you spend the vast majority of your adult life working in a career or  for a company for decades until all of your children are grown and your mortgage is paid off, then you retire and can enjoy the remainder of your life.  But having reached my mid 30s I truly have realized I would much rather enjoy my adult years traveling the world, experiencing new things, and spending time with my loved ones.  Instead, we are spending the vast majority of our waking hours working for a company or organization and the few hours we get to away from the job to spend with our friends and family - we are checking emails, getting calls from work, or simply worrying about work that has to be done, hasn't been done, or wasn't done correctly.

  So what do we do?  If you are like me, you are not a trust fund kid, don't have a sugar daddy, or are independently wealthy.  The fact of the matter is we need to work to put food on our tables, keep a roof over our head and to keep the lights on. Lifestyle Business sounds nice but where do we begin.  And I can't just quit tomorrow. If you have a job, chances are you have some sort of skill that can be easily transferred to a lifestyle business. Now the idea behind a lifestyle business isn't to make you money like Oprah, but to maintain your life as if you had a full-time job with out working the full-time hours and spend those doing what you love. Currently I'm exploring a few business models that fit this mold.  I want to spend my time living, traveling and loving more and less of it working.  

What do you prefer spending your time doing other than working for someone else?  Feel free to share your dream in the comments section.


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