All tagged live

10 Things To Do To Make Sunday Funday

We love Sundays in our house. With our businesses we tend to work on Saturdays. When there aren't gigs, Saturdays are filled with family functions and  kids sporting events. Sundays are the day we are spending the entire day together without interruption. These types of days are important to maintaining a happy relationship.  These activities can also be done right after church service. Here are 10 different ideas on how to spend time with your loved ones on Sundays and make your Sunday Funday.

Live: 10 ways to get started journaling

Journaling is a great way to deal with stress and riggers of life. Consistent journal writing can be a outlet for the mind and help with finding and creating balance in your life. Problems can be solved. Dreams discovered.  But journal writing isn't easy for some of us, and if you never kept a journal before our may not know where or how to begin to keep one.

Live: 20 hobbies you can start today!

To enjoy life you need to find activities that bring you joy. Hobbies are activities necessary to every day life and bring the joy we crave. Hobbies help us find balance, are relaxing and give our lives value and meaning. According Jessica Beltran, MS , "Hobbies are food for the soul. They nurture our spirit, restore our physical energy, and renew our mind." Here is my list of 20 hobbies you can start as early as today, so you can be on your way to finding joy and balance in your life.

    The Master List: The ultimate lists of all lists

    The term “bucket list” became popular after the movie “The Bucket List” starring Jack Nicolson and Morgan Freeman.  They play two older gentlemen who make a list of things they need to experience before they “kick the bucket.”   I personally don’t like the term bucket list; it puts the focus on the end game – death.  The point of the list is the opposite – to live. I am a constant list maker.  I live by them…literally. I make grocery list, “To Do” list, purchase list, and wish list. You name it; I make a list about it. So for me this is the Master List, the momma of all lists.  This is the list I want to live by.