All tagged balance

I have a confession...I'm not okay.

Everyday I'm asked the same question. "How are you?" And everyday I respond a simple "I'm fine" or "I'm okay." But the truth of the matter is I'm not. If I'm honest with myself and my loved ones, I would have to admit that I'm not okay. I'm not okay because I suffer from depression. If I was truly honest, I would admit that I have struggled with depression off and on for years. And this is the third time in my life where I have sought professional help for it.

Live: 20 hobbies you can start today!

To enjoy life you need to find activities that bring you joy. Hobbies are activities necessary to every day life and bring the joy we crave. Hobbies help us find balance, are relaxing and give our lives value and meaning. According Jessica Beltran, MS , "Hobbies are food for the soul. They nurture our spirit, restore our physical energy, and renew our mind." Here is my list of 20 hobbies you can start as early as today, so you can be on your way to finding joy and balance in your life.