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5 Reasons You Should Start Meditating

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I have recently begun meditating. I find it very helpful in dealing with the day to day stress.  I even mentioned meditation as a way to live more.  For those of you who are still skeptical, I have put together another of my awesome lists of reason why you should start meditating. 

1. Reduces stress and anxiety. 

    Practicing mediation allows you take control over your mind. Regular meditation with visualization can quiet the mind of the agitation that stress and anxiety causes.

2. Improves self-awareness

     Meditation helps a person recognize their emotions and thoughts.  During a session, you  become comfortable with yourself and learn to not judge those feelings and thoughts you have.  

3. Reduces depression

     Improve self-awareness leads to acceptance which can lead to happiness and reduced depression.  Studies show that the brain activity that occurs in the prefrontal cortex during    meditation can actual produce happy emotions. Other studies show that mindfulness created from mediation can be as helpful as antidepressant drug therapy.

4. Improves focus and attention

    Meditation has been known to improve concentration and memory. Many say that the increase ability to focus comes from the increased energy that comes from meditation.

5. It's relaxing.

   There is something to be said about finding a nice quiet space without any distractions that bring almost instant calm.

Worried you don't have enough time for meditation? Guided meditation can be done in as short as 10 minutes with the help of apps like Headspace and  Meditation Studio.