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Why Are Date Nights Important to a Marriage?

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  Some people don’t seem to get why married people have “date nights.”  We have tendency to think that things don’t really change when people get married. If you go out that’s a date, right? But in reality marriage can change things.  Married couples get bogged down with the mundane things of life – bills, grocery shopping, household maintenance, kids, and other obligations. It’s important to step away from all of those distractions and enjoy time with each other.  

    Personally I feel the basic date nights of dinner and movie, while a rare opportunity for couples with children, do not do the most for married couples.  Married couples should take date night opportunities to help enhance and engage the relationship.  On date nights you should be experiencing new and interesting things that only the two of you can enjoy together.  When you take that time away make sure you take it away, invest in a reliable babysitter, only answer the phone for the babysitter or emergencies and disconnect from social media and/or work.  Put the focus on strengthening your intimacy and time together.  Remember, kids will grow up and leave the house and you will retire from your career. At some point it will be just the two of you. 

So go camping, take dance lessons, wine tasting, a cooking class – the amount of ideas are endless.  If you have any cool ideas for date nights, put them in the comment section below.

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